Our Space - Poplar
22 Market Square, Tower Hamlets, London
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Szolgáltatások itt: Our Space - Poplar
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Nincs közel ehhez: Our Space - Poplar
Adatok erről: Our Space - Poplar
This professional centre offers a wide range of space, making it an exciting proposition for a wide range of businesses. The space benefits from a bright and airy feel, with lots of natural light streaming in from large windows, and wooden flooring giving the space a minimalist and clean feel.
Easily accessed from All Saints DLR Station and Canary Wharf Underground Station, this coveted space is accessible from 8am till 7pm and also features kitchen and toilet facilities. Tenants have easy and convenient access to plenty of eateries, drinking holes, shops and, amenities in the area.
This property has multiple offices to let and our team will be happy to discuss the various options with you.
*Subject to contract and availability*
Please note the available dates are subject to change. Generic photographs are shown, and units may differ slightly.
Please contact our offices for updated internal and external office availability.
A ShareSpace-en elérhető további irodai ajánlatokért látogasson el a kiadó irodák London oldalra. Kisebb cégeknek ajánljuk a coworking London vagy szolgáltatott iroda London rugalmas irodák megtekintését.
Iroda elérhetősége
24/7 hozzáférésed lesz az irodádhoz
Föld alatti parkolóhelyek
Nem állnak rendelkezésre föld alatti parkolóhelyek.
Felszíni parkolóhelyek
Nem állnak rendelkezésre felszíni parkolóhelyek.
Transit-stop: West India Quay (0.41 km), Transit-stop: Heron Quays (0.66 km), Transit-stop: Westferry (0.51 km), Transit-stop: All Saints (0.14 km), Transit-stop: Blackwall (0.47 km), Transit-stop: Poplar (0.32 km), Transit-stop: Langdon Park (0.21 km), Transit-stop: East India (0.6 km), Transit-stop: Devons Road (0.71 km), Transit-stop: Canary Wharf (0.54 km)