Galeria Klim
Warszawska 21a, Konstancin-Jeziorna
Kommerzielle Bedingungen
ResetWas Mieter an Galeria Klim mögen
PremiumFür Fans der schönen Dinge des Lebens
CorporateEinfaches und universelles Design
GrößerGroßzügige Fläche pro Arbeitsplatz

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Auf Anfrage
Auf Anfrage
Ausstattung in Galeria Klim
Ausstattung im Objekt
Über das Gebiet
Transport in der Nähe
liegt Min. zu Fuß von Galeria Klim entfernt
Kein in der Nähe von Galeria Klim
Über uns Galeria Klim
iDid is a unique place on the map of Warsaw.
It's a space perfect for freelancers, small companies, and people who just started their business - for those, who are looking for a prestigious address in a good location and creative space to act. Our coworking suits the need for office by-the-hour, as well as a networking space, business meetings location, training or conference center.
A modern and attractive office space awaits you - single desks, private mini-offices, and conference rooms. What makes us different?
iDid is:
- a prestigious address to register your company, which you can use e. g. as a virtual office location
- an office in an excellent location in the heart of Konstancin Jeziorna
- professional space in a cameral office building
- your space for business meetings and networking
- unique phone booths for business conversations and videoconference.
We offer you more than any other serviced office providers, while taking care of your comfort of work - both in our coworking space and in your private office. Thanks to that, together with us you can create a modern headquarters for your company and work in a professional environment.
Für weitere Büroangebote auf ShareSpace besuchen Sie büro mieten Konstancin-Jeziorna. Für kleinere Unternehmen empfehlen wir die flexiblen Büros auf coworking Konstancin-Jeziorna oder business center Konstancin-Jeziorna.
Zugang zum Büro
Du hast 24/7 Zugang zu Deinem Büro
Es stehen 2 Besprechungsräume zur Verfügung
Ist nicht verfügbar.
Oberirdische Parkplätze
Sind nicht verfügbar.
Parkplatz für Gäste
Parking in front of the building
Our office is located on the 2nd floor of the Klim Gallery. Right next to the roundabout and the taxi stand. Very good and easy access by car as well as by public transport. Very quiet and nice surroundings outside the Warsaw noise.